Wednesday 11 February 2015

First Video!

Hi, Everyone!

I'm sorry, I am a little late posting, this video took longer to make than I thought it would. Speaking of videos, let me tell you the reason I have a video in the first place. I talked it over with my professor, and she thought that this blog topic would be best explored through video, so that you guys can see my interaction with the text and the food itself. So with out further ado, here is my first video: Mac & Cheese!

Thanks for watching!
Now, I want to tell you more about the book I am using: How to Boil an Egg: 184 Simple Recipes for One By Jan Arkless. It has an introduction that explains basic cooking knowledge, and includes shopping lists, conversion tables, and a glossary of sorts.

 It's language is pretty simple, and I change my focus to focusing on how the language is directed towards beginners, and how effective it is at helping them cook. All recipes I make will be from this book. 

~ Gaby


  1. First your first video blog, this was great! The video was quite endearing and I loved your flatmates reactions. Yay for edible mac and cheese--a step in the right direction for your cooking Gabs!

  2. I thought you were very sweet and entertaining throughout the video. Looking forward to your next posts and wonder what you are going cook up next! Maybe you should consider doing a soup, main and dessert? And then say which of those you found hard or easy depending on recipie 👏

  3. I liked this too. I think it was a bit unfair of Emma to criticise your macaroni and cheese because it was "lacking in spice" though!
